Sharing Session 1

  • Performance
  • Workshop
6. June 2022, 19:30
6. June 2022, 19:30
Free, but donations welcome
ACUD Studio
Veteranenstrasse 21
10119 Berlin

The Berlin School of Sound and the initiative neue music e.V. invite you to an informal sharing and exchange session at ACUD Macht Neu that aims to connect displaced, newly arrived artists with artists and cultural practitioners already settled in Berlin. Everybody is welcome to attend – the event is free of charge, and is aimed to become a regular meet up for the music and sound scene.

The long-term aim is to create an exchange and collaboration platform between the Berlin music and sound scene and displaced artists, placed to support newly-arrived artists to integrate into the Berlin scene. We also hope for new connections, collaborations and future projects to happen!

Newly arrived, displaced artists coming from anywhere and working with sound are especially welcome to present their work. Please sign up via the form so we know your technical requirements in advance:
To allow as many voices to be heard on this first evening we suggest mini-sets of up to a maximum length of 10 minutes. If time remains at the end of the session, we will go to an open mic format.

Transparency statement regarding selection of artists for presentation:
We plan to establish a democratic and horizontal platform for sound/music performances of all kinds and aspire to include everyone! In future we hope that the selection could be decided by committee, which we hope to form from within these sessions. For the moment, Berlin School of Sound (Hanna Grzeskiewicz, Marc Sabat and Jeremy Woodruff) will assume the curatorship. You can always write to us with questions or if you’d like to be involved on the organisational side:


Bookings are closed for this event.

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