Improvisational Feedback Approaches with John Driscoll, Phil Edelstein and Michael Johnsen

  • Performance
5. July 2022, 21:00

5. July 2022, 21:00

Donations welcome, 4/7 eu
Veteranenstrasse 21
10119 Berlin

This is the culminating performance of the workshops which are listed below. For anyone interested in participating in the workshops, not only hearing the end performance, please see here

Workshop: Speaking in Tongues

In this workshop John Driscoll enables participants to explore a variety of ultrasonic feedback sound generators based on his work-in-progress Speaking in Tongues. Each instrument created has a distinct voice and character due to slight physical movement of reflectors using an assortment of playful mechanical and motorized controllers. No technical familiarity is needed. The workshop will lead to an ensemble performance of multiple instruments.

Ultrasonics1 member5 items

Workshop: Resonance and Space

Instrumental objects, modular and standalone circuits, transducers, contact microphones, room sound and their various permutations, as well as software convolutions will all be used in this workshop to explore sonic possibilities. Participants are encouraged to bring all manner of gadgetry to use in this exploration. Prerequisite is a basic understanding or interest with analog or digital audio techniques for performances and installations.

Rainforest (second to last installation at Arter, in Istanbul)


Workshop: Acoustic and Electronic Feedback as a Productive Tool

This workshop will observe, appreciate, and occasionally harness the unruly elemental energies of feedback which flow in the heart of all electronic sounds. Feedback is fundamental enough to be feared and avoided by traditional safe practitioners. Working from the circuit scale to open spaces, we’ll find feedback at home and try to make friends with it. Some familiarity with the tools of analog electronic sound or general tinkering would be helpful, but is not required.

Cyborgs of Sound

Custodian of Ubu web


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