Boris Hauf and Fattness (Quintet version)

  • Performance
13. October 2022, 20:00
13. October 2022, 20:00
Donation basis: 10/7 €

“Don’t you lie awake at night wishing that Philip K Dick had written music to accompany his vision of dystopia? All that time he was working in a music store and we only get books… Well luckily, Mr. Boris Hauf has supplied us with the next best thing: The great anti-anti-utopia is here.”
– Mark McLaren

Fattness is a new ensemble featuring almost all low instruments for a uniquely full sound. The ensemble appears in both a 10-piece and quintet formation, of which the latter will be playing on this evening. Compositions of Jeremy Woodruff. The sound of the ensemble which is mostly derived from street music, is however mainly through-composed but allows for some improvisation by the highly versatile members of the ensemble. Members of Fattness appear in many other Berlin bands including What’s Fish, Babelsberg Film Orchestra, Beat and Blow, and multiple other regional ensembles. 

Jeremy Woodruff ( Bariton-Saxofon )

Nils Marquart (Posaune)

Stefan Pahlke (Tuba)

Peter Nitsch (E-Bass und Kontrabass)

Liliana Zieniawa (Drum Set)


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